Star Trek 2001 STARSHIP DATABANK: Constitution Class

Constitution Class

Type: Cruisers
Height: 68m
Length: 289m/305m/235m
Beam: 142m
Weapons: Photon Torpedoes
Eight Phaser Arrays
Warp factor: 8 (-Under Old Scale-)
The Constitution Class was introduced in the early half of the 23rd century and served as the backbone of the fleet up to the 2270's. At that time the Constitution Class was the fastest and most powerful ship type of the fleet and the only one officially designated as starship. It was one of the most recognizable classes which set the design standard for current starships in Starfleet. By the 2260's twelve ships of this class were in service, being advanced for its time it's like the Sovereign Class today only two are known to be in service. The Constitution Class was equipped for deep-space exploration with its fourteen science labs, but also defensive patrol duty as well. They could carry a crew of 430 officers and had 23 decks. They used duotronic Daystrom Data Concepts M-4 computers. The original nacelles were Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies Model FWF-1's with a max speed of Warp 8. The ship also was able to perform saucer separation, but could not reconnect.

By the 2270's Starfleet began to refit the class to include the modern advances in Starfleet technology. Starting with the USS Enterprise in 2271, some Constitution Class ships have undergone a complete reconstruction. These enhancements included a computer systems upgrade, new bridge module, navigational deflector array and warp nacelles with internal bussard collector. However these refits could not save the aging class, and the ships were decommissioned at the end of the 23rd century, one of them is displayed in the Starfleet museum..
